
BeeKind Climbing

Written by:
Matt George
Meet Matt George! The mastermind behind Beekind climbing's sustainably made climbing training equipment!

Bee Kind Climbing is a business driven by climbers asking for bespoke, handmade, eco-friendly and sustainable climbing products.

Everything I have made was inspired by other climbers asking me if I could make them a custom product but with my (Made from Waste) eco-friendly charm put into it. Bee Kind Climbing first started late 2019 with a Repair Balm for climbers made from ingredients grown in the UK. But quickly I started making a range of different products based on what climbers wanted. Being a Carpenter I had the tools and connections to find scrap timber to reclaim into bespoke climbing equipment.

During the Quarantines Bee Kind Climbing changed as climbers had started requesting Climbing Holds as like me, they had built home walls to train on. When we finally allowed to climb outside again in the UK, I received a wave of requests to make Crimp Block trainers to help warm up before tackling real rock. Which was designed and made out of offcuts collected from furniture workshops.

Matt George with his Beekind products at Font Fest

Soon after I was asked if I had thought about making a Bee Kind Climbing Brush with the same eco-friendly and sustainable mind set but put into making a climbing brush. After deciding I could not use animal hair like boars hair like other wooden climbing brushes due to the questionable practices used to collect the hair from the animals even though they are given the sustainable stamp of approval. I decided to go down the Plant Fibre route for my brand of brushes, which in my case I use Tampico (Cactus skin fibre) Potentially making the first plant fibre climbing brush. Which is where my range of brushes drastically expanded from cutting up broken skateboards to taking offcuts of plywood from constructing climbing gyms to dye and turn into Upcycled Plant Fibre Climbing Brushes.

I'm always looking for ways to improve the things I do, be that the making, the look or even the design of certain products. I will always be trying to make my products the best they can be until there is no comparison.

Testing out a Beekind crimp edge and pinch block

It has been an absolute pleasure being a brand that gets so much positive feedback from the climbing community as without them. Bee Kind would not exist without climbers who care about the environment and their impact on it.

So thank you all!

Check out BeeKind Climbing HERE

Written by:
Matt George
Published on:
June 19, 2024