Climbing Bundles

Twas the season of sending, with carabiners so bright, At The Font climbing wall, it's a festive delight! In gift bundles galore, for climbers so keen, Get ready to conquer, this Climbing Christmas scene. On the crux of the holiday, don't be left in a bind, grab a Font bundle, and the spirit you'll find. So, Ho-Ho-Hold onto excitement, no need to stall, Merry Climbing Christmas from The Font for all! May your grips be jolly, your ascents be bright, and your holidays filled with climbing morning till night! To young and to old, spreading cheer on this call, Happy holidays from The Font climbing wall!'

gift Vouchers

Please note that gift vouchers are for climbing and fitness activities only and cannot be redeemed against our retail or bar products. These products are non-refundable.


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6-pack + intro session

Can be redeemed for climbing sessions and gym classes. Includes free shoe hire and 10% discount on café purchases and retail items. Valid for 2 months. Sessions must be utilised within 30 days of first use. Passes cannot be transferred/shared once activated. This product is non-refundable.

6-pack Intro

X6 sessions including an intro to bouldering session.
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