The Font Olympics party

Join us on August 3rd for Olympic Fun Comp (PARTY) at Wandsworth Climbing Wall!

Olympic Fun Comp at Wandsworth Climbing Wall

Event Date: 3rd August 2024

Event Overview:Join us for a fun competition to celebrate the Olympic climbing events and show your support! The event will feature bouldering, lead, and speed climbing challenges!

  • Bouldering: Participate in Boulder Bingo with 30 routes and 10 challenges. Complete your bingo card to win prizes!
  • Lead Climbing: Traverse from the cove to the upper east, hitting buzzers along the way to complete the route.
  • Speed Climbing: Race to the top of an easy juggy route and hit the buzzer to stop the timer.

Bingo format

You will be given a 4x4 bingo card (like a comp card)

There'll be 25-30 blocs from V0-V6 where you can score a number on your bingo card by completing a bloc.

There'll be lots of different challenges through the centre where you can score a number on your bingo card by completing a challenge.
To be able to use the number for your bingo card, you must have competed the challenge/bloc.

Attempts on the blocs/challenges do not matter (1 attempt or 20, as long as you complete it)

Setting team

  • Matt VC
  • Imi Bagnall-Smith
  • Alec Harper
  • Ian Pollington.

Food & Drink:

  • There will be hot food! Trader to be confirmed!
  • Outdoor bar by By The Horns from 1pm onwards

Event Schedule:

  • Customer Climbing Slots: All day
  • Bingo: 5pm - 7pm
  • Opening Hours: 8:15am - 10pm


  • £5 for members
  • £5 + entrance fee for non-members
  • 5 & 10 pack pass holders can use their passes (+£5 as above)

Come and join us for a day full of excitement, challenges, and community spirit as we celebrate the Olympics together!

More info coming soon!

On another note come watch the Olympic climbing events with us from 5th August to 10th August, and enjoy a 20% discount at our cafe and bar during the live screenings!

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